February 23, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Vincennes/Knox County Tourism, First City Public Sculpture Project and Wabash Valley Progressives are hosting a Books and Brews event to discuss “Black in Indiana” by Eunice Brewer-Trotter at 7 p.m. Feb 23 at Vincennes Brewing Company. This an informal gathering for everyone, where we’ll just discuss the book. People are invited to come, even if they’re curious, (even, yes, if you didn’t quite finish the book before the meeting.) Here’s a description:
“Life for Blacks in Southern Indiana in the 1820s could be brutal, but Mary Bateman Clark’s victorious lawsuit helped advance change. This book is a must-read which looks beyond typical stories about slavery. Book includes genealogical information about numerous African American families in Knox County, Indiana before 1820.”
The library has a copy, it’s available free with Kindle Unlimited and Audible, and here’s an Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Indiana-Eunice-Brewer-Trotter/dp/B08PHWFH54.