

June 12, 2022 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Join local Master Naturalist Terri Talarek King on a casual walk at Ouabache Trails Park (just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of Lower Fort Knox Road) on Sunday, June 12. This walk is planned for Trail 8 (River Fishing Trail), beginning at 2:00 pm Eastern. Trail 8 begins just beyond the entrance to the park’s lower loop, to the left.

Explore and discover the ecology of the Wabash River floodplain and riverside, and look for animal tracks.

Be prepared for wet and muddy conditions. If Trail 8 is not passable, the walk will begin on Trail 4 across the road and will explore areas around the large creek.

The walk is free and there is no registration. For questions or more information, email or leave a voice message for a call-back at 812-881-8987.

To see a trail map of Ouabache Trails Park, see .

3500 North Lower Fort Knox Road
Vincennes, IN 47591 United States
+ Google Map


May 21, 2022 @ 10:00 am 2:00 pm

There will be a free Garden Fair and Seed Giveaway on Saturday, May 21, from 10 am to 2 pm Eastern outside the McGrady-Brockman building at 7th and Hart Streets in Vincennes.

The event will include seed and tomato plant giveaways, planting kits for children, Grow City Teaching Garden tours, and more. There will also be information on gardening, local organizations, and upcoming garden-related events and workshops. Visitors may enter to win door prizes and learn about a logo contest for the upcoming Knox County Seed Library.

For more information, check the Knox County Seed Library (Indiana) Facebook page or call the Knox County Public Library at 812-886-4380.

614 N Seventh Street
Vincennes, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


April 30, 2022 @ 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

The Knox County Goes Native Initiative will be offering a free, public, family-friendly event on Saturday, April 30 in the Riverfront Pavilion, Vincennes. The event, open from 1:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern, will feature interactive activities, informative displays, door prizes, and more. It will also be the pick-up location for those participating in the Knox County CISMA shrub exchange.

Come to learn what Knox County Goes Native is about and explore fun ways to learn about native plants, pollinators, wildlife, native gardens, and more.

For more information about Knox County Goes Native, see

102 N. Second Street
Vincennes, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


April 10, 2022 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Join Master Naturalist Terri Talarek King on Sunday, March 13 for a casual early spring woods walk at Ouabache Trails Park (just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of Lower Fort Knox Road). The walk will proceed from outside the park office at 2:00 pm Eastern and start on Trail 2, rain or shine. Participants should be prepared for wet or muddy conditions and some steep slopes.

Ouabache Trails Park is rich in spring wildflowers, and the parade has just begun! Join local Master
Naturalist Terri Talarek King on Sunday, April 10, for a casual walk to find, identify and learn about the
many plants showing up, and watch for pollinators visiting them. Plant checklists will be available.
Meet in front of the park office (the park is located just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of
Lower Fort Knox Road). The walk will begin at 2:00 pm Eastern on Trail 1 and will continue on Trail
2, returning via Trail 3.

Come enjoy the wildflower parade! This is part of the Second Sunday Nature Exploration Walks for 2022.

Walks are free and open to all, no registration is needed.

For questions or more information, email , or leave a voice message for a
call back (no texts) at 812-881-8987. Also, check the Facebook page “The Nature of Knox County,
Indiana” and other local news outlets.

To see a trail map of Ouabache Trails Park, check the Knox County Parks and Recreation website at: .

3500 North Lower Fort Knox Road
Vincennes, IN 47591 United States
+ Google Map


March 13, 2022 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Join Master Naturalist Terri Talarek King on Sunday, March 13 for a casual early spring woods walk at
Ouabache Trails Park (just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of Lower Fort Knox Road). The walk will proceed from outside the park office at 2:00 pm Eastern and start on Trail 2, rain or shine. Participants should be prepared for wet or muddy conditions and some steep slopes.

This is a time for the very earliest spring blooms and buds, frogs and salamanders, and increased bird
activity as the air gradually warms and water flows and puddles.

This walk is part of the Second Sunday Nature Exploration series for 2022, all at Ouabache Trails Park.
Walks are free and no registration is required. All are welcome, and families are encouraged.

For more information, email or leave a voice message (no text) at 812-881-8987. Also check the Facebook page The Nature of Knox County, Indiana, and other local media sources.

3500 North Lower Fort Knox Road
Vincennes, IN 47591 United States
+ Google Map


February 13, 2022 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Join Master Naturalist Terri Talarek King for a casual winter walk on Sunday, February 13, at
Ouabache Trails Park (just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of Lower Fort Knox Road).
Participants will meet in front of the park office at 2:00 pm Eastern, then begin the walk nearby on
Trail 1.

This is a good time of year to see the “bones” of the landscape and trees, to observe wildlife that may
be out and about, to look for places where some are still overwintering, and to look for the earliest
signs of spring.

This walk, the first of the 2022 series of Second Sunday Nature Exploration Walks, is free, with no
registration required. All are welcome and families are encouraged. Emphasis on all walks is on
observation, exploration, and discovery. Walks proceed rain, shine, or snow. Be prepared for wet areas
and some steep slopes.

For questions or more information, email or leave a voice message (no text)
for a call back at 812-881-8987. Also, check the Facebook page called The Nature of Knox County,
Indiana, as well as other local media.

To view a map of Ouabache Trails Park, see: .

3500 North Lower Fort Knox Road
Vincennes, IN 47591 United States
+ Google Map

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