Field trips from all over Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky come to Vincennes to experience history hands on!
Step 1: Choose Your Sites

The park features a massive granite memorial which commemorates the conquest of the Old Northwest Territory. It is the largest national monument outside of Washington, D.C. The Memorial is located on the site of the former British Fort Sackville which was captured by Colonel George Rogers Clark and his army of 170 frontiersmen and Frenchmen. The moment of the fort’s surrender on February 25, 1779 marks the birth of the United States north of the Ohio River. Docents are available to give tours during hours of operation. The park’s Visitor Center is handicap-accessible and features exhibits, a gift shop and a 30 minute movie presentation.

Explore history inside this beautiful mansion, former President William Henry Harrison had built along the Wabash River in Vincennes, Indiana to be the center for the Territorial government, his family home and a fortress of protection during hostile times. Grouseland was built 1802-1804. The home was saved from demolition in 1909 by the Francis Vigo Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and has been managed by the Grouseland Foundation since 1999.

Founded in 1732 in a part of the Midwest that belonged to France, Vincennes is Indiana’s oldest city. Over time, ownership of this town and area changed hands from France to Great Britain, and ultimately America following the Revolutionary War of 1776. In 1800, Congress created the Indiana Territory and named Vincennes its capital. The new territory was much larger than the State of Indiana today, including what is now Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and part of Minnesota. Here in Vincennes, Governor William Henry Harrison and others made important decisions that would influence the future of the entire Midwest.
This field trip would meet the following Indiana Academic Standards for Social Studies K.1.1; K.1.2; K.1.3; 1.1.1; 1.1.3; 1.1.6; 1.1.8; 1.2.1; 1.2.2; 1.2.3; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.1.3; 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.1.3; 3.1.4; 3.1.8; 3.2.3; 3.2.4; 4.1.2; 4.1.3; 4.1.4; 5.1.6; 5.2.7; 5.2.9; 5.4.1; 6.E.1; 8.H.1; 8.H.2; 8.H.3; 8.H.14; 8.E.1
Admission is FREE for pre-registered, accredited schools or homeschool groups of 10 or more K-12 students. Free admission includes teachers and bus drivers, plus one additional adult chaperone per every five students. Additional chaperones pay the group admission rate of $4/person. Contact site for non-Indiana student rate. Pre-registration required at least two weeks in advance. The school group tour includes a guided tour of the Jefferson Academy, Territory Capitol Building and Elihu Stout Print Shop. Students will discover the early years of Vincennes and Indiana by learning about early education at the Jefferson Academy, the beginnings of Indiana law at the Territory Capitol Building and the art of printing at the Elihu Stout Print Shop.

The Indiana Military Museum, dedicated to fostering the memory, understanding, and appreciation of U.S. military history. This is accomplished by maintaining, preserving, and displaying artifacts which represent the strength and freedom of our American heritage.
Located in historic Vincennes, the Indiana Military Museum is home to one of the best, most comprehensive collections of military memorabilia in the country. In addition to the museum’s own artifacts, including military vehicles, aircraft, uniforms, insignia, and equipment from the American Revolution to present day, it also hosts traveling exhibits from the Smithsonian Institution and others.

The Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy honors the legacy of a man who touched numerous lives through his comedic talent, great works, compassion and commitment to public service.
As a museum, the RSMAC reflects history, ideas, innovation, discovery, diversity, creative expression and democracy in celebration of the exceptional man whose greatest ambition was to bring joy to countless audiences.
This field trip targets grades K-5 in Social Studies and Language Arts including historical knowledge, chronological thinking, civics and citizenship and persuasive writing criteria. The museum experience touches on visual arts, sound effects and performing arts.
Step 2: Fill out the Group Tour Form
Step 3: Email the form
Email the form to olivia@visitvincennes.org. The Visitor’s Bureau will send you a detailed itinerary; we contact all the sites for you! It will be the easiest field trip you’ve ever scheduled.
Step 4: Confirm the itinerary
When you receive the itinerary from the group tour coordinator, respond “yes” or “OK” to the email so that we can schedule tour guides for that day.