

March 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

Tuesday, March 19 will be the First Day of Spring and the first Hands-on-Workshop-in-the-Garden at
the Grow City Teaching Garden, for 2024! Come anytime between 6:00 pm Eastern to dark to learn
while helping with garden work. We will be planting early spring crops such as potatoes, peas, onions,
carrots, radishes and lettuce, among other activities. Learn the how and why of what’s going on in the
Grow City garden and plans for the 2024 gardening season, then apply what you learn to your own
garden. Welcome Spring by helping to get things started!

The Grow City Teaching Garden, located behind the McGrady-Brockman House (614 N. 7th St.,
Vincennes) is a place to learn how to grow a garden and develop healthy soil, especially in small, urban
spaces. It is a partnership between the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Knox
County Public Library, Purdue Extension Knox County, and Vincennes University, with involvement
from the Knox County Seed Library, the Guardians of the Garden Master Gardeners, and the Natural
Gardeners Club. For more information, see the Facebook page “Grow City Teaching Garden” or call
Knox County SWCD: 812-882-8210, Ext. 3.

614 N Seventh Street
Vincennes, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


February 26, 2024 @ 6:30 pm 7:30 pm

The Grow City Teaching Garden will present “Caring for Garden Tools” on Monday, February 26, in
the Fortnightly Building (421 N. 6th St., Vincennes, Ind.) at 6:30 pm Eastern. The program is free and
the public is invited. Are your garden tools dull, rusty, and difficult to use? Lifelong gardener Dana
Klipsch will demonstrate how to clean, sharpen, and properly maintain your tools so they are a pleasure
to use. Be ready for the new garden season!



February 17, 2024 @ 10:00 am 5:00 pm

The Knox County Seed Library is being restocked for the new year! Get ready for your new gardening year by finding free seeds to use during Big Seed Saturday on February 17. Master Gardeners and others will be available from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm to help with using the seed library and answer questions about seeds and gardening.

The Knox County Seed Library is located in old card catalog cabinets near the Sun Room on the main floor of the Knox County Public Library (502 N. 7th St., Vincennes, IN) A wide variety of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and native plant seeds are available to check out by anyone simply by using the check-out form. The seed library is open and available during all Knox County Public Library hours.

502 North 7th Street
Vincennes, IN 47591 United States
+ Google Map
(812) 886 – 4380


May 31, 2023 @ 1:00 pm 3:00 pm

Children can make a seed bomb to throw in their yard and grow flowers at Oubache Trails Park

Children can make a seed bomb to throw in their yard and grow flowers at Oubache Trails Park. Children must be accompanied by an adult. RSVP to 812-882-4316 so the park can have enough materials for all who attend.

3500 North Lower Fort Knox Road
Vincennes, IN 47591 United States
+ Google Map


November 7, 2022 @ 5:30 pm 6:30 pm

Composting – is a great way to use what you have and create healthier soil for healthier plants.
Learn an easy way to build a compost pile for your garden – what goes in, how it works, and what to do with what comes out. Help build the next new compost pile at Grow City! This free workshop starts at 6:30 pm Eastern on November 7 in the Grow City Teaching Garden (back yard of the McGrady-Brockman Building, 614 N. 7th St., Vincennes). Learn how to compost, then start your own!

The Grow City Teaching Garden is located in the backyard of the McGrady-Brockman Building, 614 N. 7th St., Vincennes, Indiana. This project is a partnership of the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District, Knox County Public Library, Vincennes University, and Purdue Extension Knox County.

For more information, contact 812-882-8210 x3, or

Corner of 7th and Hart Streets
Vincenne, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


October 17, 2022 @ 6:30 pm 7:30 pm

What in the world is “hugelkulture”? Learn about this fun, easy way to create a new garden bed and how it creates healthy soil. Help build one in the Grow City garden!

The Grow City Teaching Garden is located in the backyard of the McGrady-Brockman Building, 614 N. 7th St., Vincennes, Indiana. This project is a partnership of the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District, Knox County Public Library, Vincennes University, and Purdue Extension Knox County.

For more information, contact 812-882-8210 x3, or

Corner of 7th and Hart Streets
Vincenne, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


October 3, 2022 @ 6:30 pm 7:30 pm

Take a tour to find out all of the different methods being used in the garden to improve soil health. Get ideas for what you can do in your garden, and ask questions of experts on the tour. Examine the soil in various garden beds. Learn about The Four Soil Health Principles and how to use them.

The Grow City Teaching Garden is located in the backyard of the McGrady-Brockman Building, 614 N. 7th St., Vincennes, Indiana. This project is a partnership of the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District, Knox County Public Library, Vincennes University, and Purdue Extension Knox County.

For more information, contact 812-882-8210 x3, or

Corner of 7th and Hart Streets
Vincenne, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


September 19, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

The Grow City Teaching Garden is offering four on-site workshops this fall to help gardeners learn how to improve soil health.

Cover Crops for the Garden will be on Monday, September 19, at 6:30 pm. Participants will learn what cover crops are and how to use them in their own gardens to improve soil health. They will see how cover crops are being used in the Grow City Teaching Garden and will help plant cover crop seeds. Each participant will also receive a packet of cover crop seeds and take-home information about soil health as well as upcoming workshops and events.

The workshop is free, and no registration is required.

The Grow City Teaching Garden is in the backyard of the McGrady-Brockman Building, 614 N. 7th
St., Vincennes.

For more information, contact 812-882-8210 x3, or .

Future workshops are scheduled for October 3, October 17, and November 7.

The Grow City Teaching Garden is a partnership of the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Knox County Public Library, Vincennes University, and Purdue Extension Knox County.


June 1, 2022 @ 4:00 pm 6:00 pm

Do you have garden questions? DO you want to know what’s eating your plant, how to improve your soil, or what to plant in the shade? Bring your questions, and even samples, to “Ask an Expert” Day at the Grow City Teaching Garden between 4:00 and 6:00 pm Eastern time on Wednesday, June 1st. Have a tour of the garden, enjoy fresh Grow City-grown lettuce, and learn how to make herbed oils and vinegars.

No fee or registration is required.

The Grow City Teaching Garden is a partnership between the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Knox County Public Library, Purdue Extension Knox County, and Vincennes University. It is located behind the McGrady-Brockman House at the corner of 7th and Hart Streets.

Corner of 7th and Hart Streets
Vincenne, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map


May 21, 2022 @ 10:00 am 2:00 pm

There will be a free Garden Fair and Seed Giveaway on Saturday, May 21, from 10 am to 2 pm Eastern outside the McGrady-Brockman building at 7th and Hart Streets in Vincennes.

The event will include seed and tomato plant giveaways, planting kits for children, Grow City Teaching Garden tours, and more. There will also be information on gardening, local organizations, and upcoming garden-related events and workshops. Visitors may enter to win door prizes and learn about a logo contest for the upcoming Knox County Seed Library.

For more information, check the Knox County Seed Library (Indiana) Facebook page or call the Knox County Public Library at 812-886-4380.

614 N Seventh Street
Vincennes, Indiana 47591 United States
+ Google Map
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