Fort Knox II

3090 N. Old Fort Knox Road | Vincennes, IN.  47591


Fort Knox II was built in 1803, three miles north of Vincennes on the Wabash River. The fort’s location is outlined with short posts and interpretive markers which tell the story of the site. Fort Knox II sits three mile north of Vincennes on a bluff overlooking the Wabash River. This site was used as a military installation from 1803-1813. Fort Knox was the mustering location of the army that fought the battle of Tippecanoe in November of 1811.





Additional Details


Open dawn to dusk, year-round

Admission Details: This is a FREE self-guided tour, however the Vincennes State Historic Sites will provide a guide with an admission price. Please contact 812.882.7422 or *Group tours of 10+ please call the Vincennes/Knox Co. Visitors & Tourism Bureau @ 1.800.886.6443 Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm (EST).


Manager: Vincennes State Historic Sites

Phone: 812.882.7422  *toll free


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