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Seed Swap Program and Seedling Share

May 8, 2024 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Natural Gardeners Club Gathering on May 8 – Seed Swap Program and Seedling Share
The Natural Gardeners Club will gather on Wednesday, May 8, in the Fortnightly Building (421 N. 6th St., Vincennes.) Everyone is welcome to attend. The program, beginning at 7:00 pm Eastern, will be presented by Purdue Extension Master Gardeners Cathy Dever and Patti Moore, about their trip to the Sustainable Mountain Agriculture Seed Swap in Berea, Kentucky, November 4, 2023, where they bought seeds for a number of varieties of heirloom tomatoes, peppers, and beans. They will have special heirloom pepper and tomato plants that they grew from these seeds, for adoption by Knox County Seed Library members.

There will also be a general Seedling Swap. Members and others may bring any kinds of garden seedlings to share, or just go home with some from the always generous club members.

There will be a pitch-in dinner starting at 6:00 pm Eastern for those who want to participate. Bring food to share and your own beverage. Bringing one’s own table service is encouraged as a sustainable option, though disposable items will be available.

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