Second Sunday Nature Walk
February 13, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Join Master Naturalist Terri Talarek King for a casual winter walk on Sunday, February 13, at
Ouabache Trails Park (just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of Lower Fort Knox Road).
Participants will meet in front of the park office at 2:00 pm Eastern, then begin the walk nearby on
Trail 1.
This is a good time of year to see the “bones” of the landscape and trees, to observe wildlife that may
be out and about, to look for places where some are still overwintering, and to look for the earliest
signs of spring.
This walk, the first of the 2022 series of Second Sunday Nature Exploration Walks, is free, with no
registration required. All are welcome and families are encouraged. Emphasis on all walks is on
observation, exploration, and discovery. Walks proceed rain, shine, or snow. Be prepared for wet areas
and some steep slopes.
For questions or more information, email leapingfrog55@yahoo.com or leave a voice message (no text)
for a call back at 812-881-8987. Also, check the Facebook page called The Nature of Knox County,
Indiana, as well as other local media.
To view a map of Ouabache Trails Park, see: http://www.knoxcountyparks.com .