First Friday Art Walk
November 4, 2022 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Join friends at Art Space Vincennes, Open Gallery, Northwest Territory Art Gallery, Shircliff Gallery, Dragoon pop-up temporary gallery, and the Democratic Headquarters for the First Friday Art Walk, Friday, November 4. Galleries will be open 5 – 8 pm.
Art Space Vincennes LLC, 521 Main will open Terminable Landscapes/Small Dramas, digital drawings, and photo montages by retired Vincennes University Art Professor Jim Pearson. The exhibition has two interrelated themes. Long horizontal rectangular compositions reflect the complexity of the natural world and our impact upon it. Smaller works include figurative imagery and are vignettes of dramas, tragedies, and questions about human life. They are not intended to be literal, but to leave open possibilities for viewers to consider. Both bodies of work demonstrate Jim’s sensitivity to the expressive power of tonal value. The exquisite refinement of meaning that results are impacted by his intense focus on his work during retirement, his long history of teaching drawing and printmaking, and his education in printmaking, a discipline whose exacting demands were passed on to him via his excellent teachers, including Rudy Pozzatti, at Indiana University, Bloomington where he earned his MFA degree.
Regular gallery hours: Tue – Sat Noon – 5 pm. Other hours by appointment; call 812-887-6145. Closed Thanksgiving weekend, 11/24 – 11/28.
Northwest Territory Art Guild, 316 Main will be showing fall and winter-themed works by Guild members, as well as a special sale of works that will continue into December.
These will be in a variety of styles and media and will offer a great opportunity to start thinking about Christmas gift-giving.
Regular gallery hours: Tue – Sat 11 am – 2 pm. Additional hours by appointment; contact the gallery via Facebook.
The Open Gallery, 329 Main will open These Roads Don’t Move, works by Christina Zimmer Robinson and Sarah Wolfe. Both artists recently participated in the Indiana Arts Commission On-Ramp program. Robinson’s works focus on her interest in aligning control, structure, and harmonious relationships between colors. She explores various mediums and styles, including abstraction, portraiture, sculpture, and textile work.
Wolfe characterizes her work for this exhibition as exploratory and flights of freedom from the many duties both women juggle as wives, mothers, and working artists. While Wolfe agrees that the two bodies of her work for this show may seem disparate, the abstract floral pieces are “a joyous, freeing exploration of color and textures gleaned from the outside world. The anatomical works are simply the inverse–an examination of our potentially gloriously interesting innards.” The show will run until mid-December.
The First Friday Players will again provide rollicking good Irish music for visitors to enjoy.
Regular gallery hours: Tue, Thu 12 – 5 pm, Sat 11 am – 4 pm, and by chance. 812- 881-6475
Knox County Indiana Democratic Headquarters, 314 Main Street will give viewers another chance to see Fernando Lozano’s powerful prints on stretched canvas in his series Our Rights, Our Freedom, Our Vote. These 13 pieces, each 20.5” x 3” address the historic difficulties many groups have faced in striving for the right to vote.
For more information, please contact Marsha Fleming, at 812-890-1688 or Fernando Lozano, at 323-559-1954.
Dragoon (a “pop-up” gallery) at 517 Main Street will feature photographs with sound interpretations by Ken Park. This exhibition will only be available during the First Friday Art Walk. New works are added each month.
The Shircliff Gallery, First and Harrison Streets, will present Flood and Pull, a two-person exhibition of works by Jay Ryan and Ryan Stander, two artists using printmaking techniques in their contemporary practice.
Ryan begins with illustration, creating whimsical and imaginative images with pen and ink. The images frequently depict mischievous wilderness creatures cavorting in ways which serve to reflect on and question our own human behavior.
Stander’s series, Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid explores social and cultural topics through the use of indirect visual symbols. Viewers are encouraged to piece together meaning through loose associations, rather than explicit illustration. He draws upon various cultural frameworks, including his past theological education to express ideas, questions, and critiques.
Regular gallery hours: weekdays 9 am – 5 pm. 812-888-4316; the gallery will be open until 6 pm on the First Friday, November 4.