Seed Saving Symposium
February 10, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
The Knox County Seed Library is sponsoring a Seed Saving Symposium on Saturday, February 10, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Eastern. During this free event, in the Fortnightly Building (421 N. 6th St., Vincennes, IN), attendees will learn about seed testing and starting, growing for and selecting seeds for saving, seed cleaning and storage, and how to save native plant seeds, as well.
There will be vendors, information tables, and door prizes.
Saving seeds helps the gardener preserve heirloom varieties, save money, and become more self-sufficient.
Those completing the symposium will be eligible to become members of the Knox County Seed Library.
Registration is required, and limited to forty people. To register, go to Eventbrite at:
The Knox County Seed Library is a project between the Knox County Public Library, Friends of the
Library, the Grow City Teaching Garden, and the Guardians of the Garden Purdue Extension Master
Gardeners. For more information about KCSL, see the Facebook page “Knox County Seed Library