Second Sunday Nature Walk, “Summertime Plants” – Ouabache Trails Park
September 13, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
Summertime is the golden time for some plants, and also for the pollinators that visit them. This is the time for plants that thrive in the sunny places – wetlands, fields, roadsides, etc. Meet with local Independent Naturalist Terri Talarek King at the Sacajawea Shelterhouse, at the back of the park’s lower loop road, to begin the walk at 2:00 pm Eastern. This easy walk, using Lower Trail 7 explores different kinds of sunny places, looking for a wide variety of flowers and other summer plants. Learn to identify them and more about them. Observe any insects or other wildlife visiting them. Look for any fruits or seeds already developing. Note: Lower Trail 7 involves a creek and wetland, so its use will depend upon conditions. Summertime Plants is part of the Second Sunday Nature Exploration Walks for 2020, all at Ouabache Trails Park, just north of Vincennes, Indiana, at the end of Lower Fort Knox Road. No fee or registration is required. All ages are welcome, and families encouraged. *For questions or more information, email leapingfrog55@yahoo.com , or leave a voice message for a call-back at 812-881-8987. Also see the Facebook page The Nature of Knox County, Indiana.
** Note on COVID-19 restrictions: The walk leader takes the coronovirus very seriously. Interpretive methods will be used for facilitating social distancing while exploring and learning. All attendees are strongly advised to wear masks for the protection of themselves and others. The April, May and June Second Sunday walks were cancelled due to complications related to the pandemic. Future walks are tentative, and will operate on a “wait-and-see” basis. **