John Baeder Exhibition
March 25, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The Open Gallery, 329 Main will present a retrospective exhibition of works by John Baeder. Michael Mullen, gallery co-director, has been collecting Baeder’s artworks over the span of a life-long friendship with the artist, and is now sharing this collection. It offers the rare opportunity to witness the trajectory of this nationally recognized artist’s career, including his diner watercolors, photo-collage pieces, and more recent vintage airplane paintings and matchbook paintings. Yale Professor of Art Vincent Scully wrote that it’s his emotional attachment to his subject matter that sets Baeder’s work apart from many of the other Photorealists: “John Baeder’s paintings seem to me to differ from most of those of his brilliant Magic-Realist contemporaries in that they are gentle, lyrical, and deeply in love with their subjects.”
Regular gallery hours: Tuesday and Thursday noon – 5 pm, Sat 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and by chance. 812- 881-6475.