10th Annual “Think Pink” Ride – Mach One Lot (Robinson) or Good Samaritan Hospital (Vincennes)
October 10, 2020 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
The 10th Annual “Think Pink” Ride will be held on Saturday, October 10. Registration is 8:00am with bikes out at 9:00am (CST) from the Mach One Parking Lot (Main Street) in Robinson, Illinois. Riders can also join the group and register for the event at the Good Samaritan Cancer Pavilion at 10:00am (CST). A Dice Roll and 50/50 Drawing held at the end of the ride! (NO CLUB COLORS) All vehicles are welcome and the cost is $15/person (shirt included as sizes permit). For more information or to pre-register, contact Kathy Arnold by phone at 618-544-4433, by email at kathyarnold2008@yahoo.com, or Warren Sales by phone at 618-928-7610. *Pre-registration is not required but appreciated and recommended to guarantee your shirt!